The Movement Document for Foreign Minors (DCEM) is an essential document to facilitate the travel of foreign children residing in France with their parents in a legal situation. Are you wondering how to obtain this document quickly to ensure the mobility of your family? In this article, we guide you through the essential steps to obtaining a DCEM.

Prepare the required documents

The first step to quickly obtaining a DCEM is to gather the necessary documents. Here is the list of parts generally required:

  • The DCEM application form, duly completed and signed by the legal representative
  • The original and a copy of the residence card of the parent in a legal situation
  • The original and a copy of the child’s passport
  • Two ID photos recent and compliant with current standards
  • Proof of address (electricity, gas, telephone bill, etc.)
  • The child’s birth certificate or any other document proving their affiliation with the parent in a legal situation
  • A document attesting to the child’s education, if applicable

Submit the request to the competent authority

Once the documents have been prepared, submit your application to the prefecture or sub-prefecture of your place of residence in France. In some cases, you may be able to submit your request online or by mail. Consult your prefecture’s website to find out how to submit the application and opening hours.

Follow the processing of your request

After submitting your request, it is important to follow its progress. You can do this by regularly checking the status of your file on the prefecture website, by calling the foreigners service of your prefecture, or by going there.

Collect the DCEM

Once your DCEM application has been accepted, you will be informed by the prefecture. Collect the document

DCEM appointment in Bobigny

DCEM appointment in Raincy

DCEM appointment in Nanterre

DCEM appointment in Saint Denis